Joined 2014-02-24
Recent Comments Score Date
Current status? 2, Interesting 2015-12-16
What kind of "kit"? 1 2015-05-16
Python versions 2, Informative 2015-04-29
Explicable 3, Insightful 2015-03-12
The beer bottle sounds more interesting 2, Interesting 2015-02-01
WP had a simpler model 2, Interesting 2014-10-23
Qt, not QT 3, Informative 2014-09-17
Super tablets won't be cheaper than PCs 3, Insightful 2014-09-01
Please monitor the sites I don't read 2, Insightful 2014-08-25
Re: Poll broken in Konqueror? 1 2014-08-18
Poll broken in Konqueror? 1 2014-08-18
sysvinit was a dead end 4, Insightful 2014-08-14
Test them 3, Insightful 2014-08-12
A bit of a mixup 2, Informative 2014-07-18
Re: KDE / Qt Always Better 1 2014-07-10
Why not Qt? 2, Informative 2014-07-10
They wouldn't need the keys if they had broken the math 2, Insightful 2014-05-20
Re: Unconvinced 3, Insightful 2014-05-19
Unconvinced 3, Interesting 2014-05-19
Panasonic FS-A1GT (MSX turbo R) 2, Informative 2014-05-06